jeudi 22 décembre 2011


             Wednesday 21st December has been a key date for the Euro Med project “Culture of Olive Trees . . . Culture of Peace”. Each participant had the possibility to directly understand the general features of Tunisian agronomy and the importance of relevant social activities of the area. 

          “Close your eyes” said Jalel - Tunisian organizer of the project – to all the participants while approaching the end of the day in a dark room surrounded by candles, “and think about what this day has meant to you”. Silence and reflection helped people to realize the important feeling and objective of the day: serenity with a “peaceful” sentiment for people and Nature.   
            “We had a great human experience at the SOS Akouda Institut” said Lisa from France adding that entering to Tunisian social services is a key experience for better understanding the way of life and the commitment for volunteering in Tunisia. 

       “I really would like to stress the point that today, all of us have been in touch with Nature” added Riccardo from Italy sustaining that plucking olives during the afternoon let us understand why olive trees and the culture of olives represent a holy source of peace among different people and different cultures. Nature in fact is a source of unity: staying in touch with Nature (for example while collecting olives) it is certainly a resource of peaceful sentiments. This should be an important input for facing the social, political and economical challenges of present and future all around the world. 
          Elio from Italy stressed that “The most relevant feeling I had is that today we have been together in a wonderful team and group spirit and to me, this is the first objective for transnational cooperation, human understanding and peaceful attempts: this is not only valid for this project but it should be the basics for each single human being while following his own walk of life”.

Riccardo Zennaro 
Multimedia Workshop
Hammam Sousse, 22nd December 2011. 

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