“Culture is something that remains in our minds after we forget everything“. Culture of Olive Trees . . . Culture of Peace it is more than a Youth in Action Euro-Med project. It represents an opportunity for creating new bridges among the Mediterranean European and North African countries, cultures, traditions and perspectives of living. The core theme of the ten-days youth project – the culture of olive trees linked to the concept of peace – represents a relevant key for interacting and facing the new challenges in the Euro Med contest after the Arab Spring.

Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Italy, France and Germany share a unique background about the past and current culture and use of olives. As a matter of fact, olive oil has historically been used in several domains: nutrition, medicaments, healing and also for religious and defending purposes. (When boiled, olive oil was as a powerful shield against armies).
The whole Mediterranean area is also known as an olive region due to its geographical and climatic unique characteristics. This means that the way of harvesting and taking care of each individual plant is similar among all the different countries and traditions. In addition to this, the establishment of an International Olive Council represents a source of transnational supervision when producing and selling olive oil paying attention to general rules and standards.
The culture of olive oil and trees carries a meaningful message of unity especially when considering the Mediterranean territory; this message includes a transnational perspective among different ways of live, cultures and religions. Historically, olive oil was considered as a privileged and holy element suitable for heroes (according to Greeks and Romans): at present, the role of olive oil and the culture of olive trees have been changed and evolved but the importance and the peaceful message of its purpose still remains the same among different populations.
The project “Culture of Olive Trees . . . Culture of Peace“ turns these perspectives of unity and peace into reality, by encouraging European and North African youth while working, living and sharing their ways of life together in a serene and productive environment.
Riccardo Zennaro
Multimedia Workshop
Hammam Sousse, 20 December 2011.
This way, you do not face difficulties in the future.
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